Beautiful Bells

Beautiful Bells

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's still hot!

So I powered through. It's hard in this heat. Hardly ate at all today. not good. But I am still up and I DON"T LIKE IT!

Here's the workout.

15 mins on the stairmaster intervals level 8 1.75 miles

30lb bell at the gym
10,10,10,10, &10darc for 5 sets=250
10,10,8,8 for 1 set
5,5,5,5 for 3sets= 96
1/2 get ups 5,5 for 3 sets =30
windmills 5,5 2 sets=20

1 comment:

Mark Reifkind said...

thats a good workload victoria. be careful with the fasting and trying to keep workloads high.I still think you need to add 3-4 hour long walks instead of so much high intensity stuff.