Beautiful Bells

Beautiful Bells

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's still hot!

So I powered through. It's hard in this heat. Hardly ate at all today. not good. But I am still up and I DON"T LIKE IT!

Here's the workout.

15 mins on the stairmaster intervals level 8 1.75 miles

30lb bell at the gym
10,10,10,10, &10darc for 5 sets=250
10,10,8,8 for 1 set
5,5,5,5 for 3sets= 96
1/2 get ups 5,5 for 3 sets =30
windmills 5,5 2 sets=20

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Still plugging along

Today, I did rehab and stretching with Mark. Still chasing the effects of ramping up. Feel pretty good with the exception of trying to figure out my diet. I haven't been that hungry, I'm eating pretty clean and still have gained 3 pounds. Pisses me off!!

My workout today;

Warm up is usually rockets.
5lb clubs Rockets
3 sets of 30 ( that's a 1,2 count by the way. forward and backward is 1)

Swings and Clean- squat- press super sets, with a 45 second rest in between

12 kgs
10r, 10l, 10r, 10l, 10 darc for 6 sets=300
clean, squat,press/ 1-12kg in rack position
5L, 5R for 3 sets=30

Figure 8s
4 sets of 10 each direction =80

hot potato
5 sets of 15 =75

That's all. I had to cut it short to make it to De Anza for the Ladies Training Session.
12 women for a 1 hour KB session. They are all coming along quite nicely.

Got home @ 10:00 Hungry and ate too late. Cottage cheese, kale, and 1 tbls Hummus.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Short and SWEET!

Woke up tired today. Really feeling my feet from tennis. Shouldn't drink wine at night either, ESPECIALLY when I trying to lose weight. Oh but it's so good.

10 R, 10 L for 15 sets with a 1 minute rest = 300
takes forever

waiter walks about 200 yards ( up and down my street 3 houses up and back)
4 sets
I saving for a toughy on Friday....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

a little tennis.

Today was a just keeping in the swing day. Saw Mark at 6:00 did mostly rehab and stretching. A little after lunch I did;

12 kgs
10,10,10,10 for 7 sets
total = 280

I had a tennis match @ 7pm played two sets of doubles ending at 9:pm
not so vigorous, but a fair amount of running around. Drank a glass of wine with the ladies after. 4 oz of red. Came home and ate a lite dinner.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday off

Car trip all the way from San Diego with the rest of Nor Cal. Traffic and heat. Got home too tired to work out