Beautiful Bells

Beautiful Bells

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nothing in my way, now. Sunday!

So I still have this darn headache. 8 days and counting, tired of it, however I think it's still the effects of detoxing. I ate a little rich last night, and drank 2 dark beers, one porter and one stout, with dinner. Stone brewery, very good with baked goat cheese and carmelized onions, as well as AHI poke. So here's the workout today and still feeling Great and sleeping like a baby. Soundly and long. A few detox sweats in the middle of the night, but it was also in the 80's.

Here it is;

5lb clubs
rockets 3 sets of 30 reps each =90
swipe to flag press 2 sets of 12/2 sets of 13 =50
all clubs super setted with swings sets
12kgs 10,10,10,10, 10 darc (50), 6 sets each = 300

snatch holds for 1 minute L & R
3 sets

Still going strong. Tomorrow am leaving to drive back to the bay area, rest day. 'll be back on Tuesday. Training with Mark @ 6am on Tuesday.

Friday, August 29, 2008


So.... Still feeling strong and motivated. Got to SD with no ill effects, thank goodness for the comfort seats in the M5. This afternoon it was about 90 degrees in my Mom-in-laws back yard, which faces the 9th fairway on the golf course they live on and a great place to work out, and I faced the wind and did this;

round the body passes 3 sets of 15 left and right
toal of 90

5lb club bells
rockets 3 sets of 30
swipes 3 sets of 30
total of 60

12kg swings
10 darc, 10 L, 10R, 10 darc 4 sets of 40
total of 160

1 clean 1 press each 5L.5R
total of 30

Good hot day. still conserving for my no injury increases. I will listen to my body, everyday.
Eating was still great. My willpower is holding along with motivation. I drank a little this weekend, but hey..... still upwards.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day After

So, I increased volume a bit from the last workout before yesterday. I woke up a little stiff, but nothing unsual of normal.
Today I stretched and did a round of "Z" to keep everything working ok.
9kg 3 sets of 12 arm bars L&R
prone cobra/downward dog 3 sets of 8
9kg clean and press each press with a clean/ 3 sets of 5 & 5

I will be sitting in the car for around 10 hours or so driving to San Diego for the long weekend. I hope I can get out on the other side....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in action

Last October I had pneumonia. The kind that puts you in the hospital. I opted for strong atibiotics and bed @ home. 3 weeks of hydrating and levaquin still unable to be upright for longer than an hour or two. I started to feel almost human again by the end of November and went to New York for a few days with friends and pretended to be "normal" After I got back I had a relapse. It wasn't until January that I actually got off all the meds and started to work out a little. My energy didn't return until recently and every little bug that comes around I have issues and have to be very careful. Here we are now 10 months & 21 pounds later (ugh). My body needs a complete overhaul. I'm motivated and back in action now. I weighed myself this morning (yikes) and put in a good workout, for me right now. I've been playing tennis and training about 3 days a week each and now, I'm making the effort to keep my blog and track my progress.

Woke up drank water and;

12kg 30 darc
10,10,10,10, alternating L, R
40 darc
12kg round the body passes 15 each directions
3 sets
12kgs snatch 5,5,5,5 alternating L, R
7 sets

12kgs front squats 5 reps x3 body weight x 1

Plank holds 45 seconds x 3

110 swings/140 snatches / 20 total front squats 2.25 minutes plank holds