Beautiful Bells

Beautiful Bells

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in action

Last October I had pneumonia. The kind that puts you in the hospital. I opted for strong atibiotics and bed @ home. 3 weeks of hydrating and levaquin still unable to be upright for longer than an hour or two. I started to feel almost human again by the end of November and went to New York for a few days with friends and pretended to be "normal" After I got back I had a relapse. It wasn't until January that I actually got off all the meds and started to work out a little. My energy didn't return until recently and every little bug that comes around I have issues and have to be very careful. Here we are now 10 months & 21 pounds later (ugh). My body needs a complete overhaul. I'm motivated and back in action now. I weighed myself this morning (yikes) and put in a good workout, for me right now. I've been playing tennis and training about 3 days a week each and now, I'm making the effort to keep my blog and track my progress.

Woke up drank water and;

12kg 30 darc
10,10,10,10, alternating L, R
40 darc
12kg round the body passes 15 each directions
3 sets
12kgs snatch 5,5,5,5 alternating L, R
7 sets

12kgs front squats 5 reps x3 body weight x 1

Plank holds 45 seconds x 3

110 swings/140 snatches / 20 total front squats 2.25 minutes plank holds

1 comment:

Mark Reifkind said...

nice work and good for you to weigh yourself and face it. I am so proud of you!this is just the start and remember to NOT go too hard,that the long road is the key, not any workout or intensity level. consistenty,slow steady progress is the most important goal; with food as well as training.
keep it up and have a great weekend/.