Beautiful Bells

Beautiful Bells

Friday, August 29, 2008


So.... Still feeling strong and motivated. Got to SD with no ill effects, thank goodness for the comfort seats in the M5. This afternoon it was about 90 degrees in my Mom-in-laws back yard, which faces the 9th fairway on the golf course they live on and a great place to work out, and I faced the wind and did this;

round the body passes 3 sets of 15 left and right
toal of 90

5lb club bells
rockets 3 sets of 30
swipes 3 sets of 30
total of 60

12kg swings
10 darc, 10 L, 10R, 10 darc 4 sets of 40
total of 160

1 clean 1 press each 5L.5R
total of 30

Good hot day. still conserving for my no injury increases. I will listen to my body, everyday.
Eating was still great. My willpower is holding along with motivation. I drank a little this weekend, but hey..... still upwards.

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